Friday, 20 June 2014

Trees and how it can save our country


As once stated so clearly by a Native American Indian: “We did not inherit our land from our ancestors, we merely borrow it from our children.” So true that even I can see that we do not live forever and if we do not look after our heritage, what will our children inherit one day for we are not going to live forever.

South Africa does have a National Arbor Day. However what does it mean? To most South Africans it means that we are going to plant a tree today. We all know that trees do play a major part in changing dangerous gasses into oxygen. This is not new knowledge to us. This knowledge has been with us for centuries and through history we can see how farmers and Government did use trees multi purpose full next to roads and on farms especially to mark borders and creating shade for both animal and human.

“South Africa has an average annual rainfall of 450 mm, compared with a world average of 860 mm. About 65% of the country receives less than 500 mm per year, which is generally accepted as the minimum amount required for successful dry-land farming.” Quoted from

After a study I made on various publications on the internet it was also found that if continuing like we do in South Africa, in about 30 years from now on we might not be able to produce wine in the Western Cape and that the Karoo have expanded over the Free State and other regions. My greatest concern in this regard is why does Government not see it and address the problem. Why want to wait till it would take years to rectify.

With the current migration it is clear that cities are booming. If taking in consideration the basics of biology and geography one would know that the bigger the city the warmer it gets and the less participation one gets. Indigenous trees do not just use water from the ground it also draw water from condensation. It also allows water to seep into the ground. One can surely say that tree assist in keeping the earth cool and therefore water do not have a chance to evaporate.

Looking at countries like the Congo, Uganda, etc. One can clearly see that while destroying the forests and habitat, poverty and health issues increase. Killing the rain forest alone leave a mark on the global ecology. So my question still is why do the South African government still ignore the dangers. With all the experts and the scientist proving that we are heading for disaster still ignore it.

We are paying a green tax on many of the products in South Africa. I personally sent proposals to both Minister Davies and Minister van Schalkwyk whereby projects could be implemented as part of microclimate change and the study of it. These projects have been declined for whatever reason. The president also spoke about job creation, why can’t there be a law or rule that all municipalities must plant at least 365 trees per annum in there respective municipality and with a by law of not damaging or removing it. This can be paid out of the green tax to be established and also let municipalities have their own nurseries to ensure enough trees. Why do the Minister of education and The Minister of agriculture have a joint venture in reduction of harmful gases and decrease in global warming.

Looking at National dams, one would seldom see arbor projects running. We are killing South Africa if we continuing with this attitude. We should get up from our chairs and start cleaning up the mess we made in South Africa. Running arbor projects is long term self sustainable projects and would cost less than many Government departments spent on one month social events.

I am not a politician and are not affiliated to a specific organization. I am merely a South African exercising my right of freedom of speech. I would welcome comments and discussions via my e mail :

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