Friday, 13 June 2014


Looking at the over 4 Month strike at Rustenburg mine, I was shock to hear the comments of the Minister of Mining on 2014/06/10. After trying to intervene, he withdraw and suggest that he is going to ask the Minister of Labor to amend the act that the Minister can determain a wage increase if negotiations reaches a deadlock.

Let us look at the picture in whole. The strike is a protected strike by law and what is not taken in consideration is that there are many that want to work for financially they are drained. People in charge of the strike action fail to protect the people that are willing to work and cannot secure their safety. Inner violence and intimidation is the essence of the day and therefore people are afraid to go to work. South Africa is loosing billions in revenue and poverty and starvation is the norm of the day in Rustenburg.

Well it is difficult to see that there are people in key positions in South Africa that does not have the knowledge or common sense to see the outcome of the strike, what ever direction it ends up to go. If the Minister have the ability to determine salary increases without having proper knowledge of the financial status as well as the operational cost, this could lead to more disaster.  There will be job losses at the end of day. Taking in consideration how ever that most of the employees would be foreign nationals working at these mines for most of the South African work force are either too lazy or not willing to work for these salaries and rather be without jobs. Taking in consideration the R12500 per month salary that they demand is much more than what most Government employees get including the South African Police service. If the Minister really would like to raise his voice, why not raise his voice about the 7.4% increase in the Government employee sector versus the overall increase of 10% in all living essentials.

I would say that if they really want to do something is to review the labor law and limit protective strikes to two weeks whereby further demands or arbitration should go to labor court with a commission of inquiry that can assess the labor demand versus the affordability. Government is so use to handouts and entertainment of people that eventually this would increase strike actions leaving the economy in ruins. One advantage of this is the lost in faith for foreign investments. Hope this would create greater doubt for with foreign investments comes outgoing of currency and capital. The advantage of prior to 1994 is that manufacturing and spending was on local products that kept the money in South Africa.

Back to the strike. I cannot belief that the employers of the mines that looses millions of rand per day could not think of providing extra security for those who want to work and protect them and their families. I am sure that spending that money, would have been much less than what the mines loose due to non production. This is clearly once again the example of  management appointed based on race and not qualifications. This can also be seen in other industries in South Africa. That is the general problem of any country whereby introduction of democracy leaves open a window of opportunity whereby Executive management has been appointed without prior knowledge or skill in there field.

Some times it really feel difficult when looking around and see the country going down the dumps, larger companies gaining monopoly, crime increase (including 45 murders per day), social backdrop, corruption etc. to feel intelligent.

Well once again the above is the opinion of a South African that try to understand the mentality of Government and the people that voted them in power. Please any questions or comments can be forwarded to

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