This might ruin the attempt of obtaining much needed funds and support for the Lubbe Foundation, but have to spread message to the world.
Last night while praying I asked " Why is it so difficult to find people that have it in their hearts to help the Lubbe Foundation funding to launch the projects and obtaining the land to help making peoples lives better and show the world that prayer do work.? I also prayed for peace in the middel east and for people to be carried through these days that lost loved ones. This morning when I woke up it all come to me.
Trying to build the Lubbe Foundation I have been in contact with almost 50 000 people and companies all over the world and yet only found support from 5 people. This 5 people is people I belief cannot contribute other by giving moral support and I thank them therefore. Most of the people I contacted in my quest to have the Lubbe Foundation to be an example and role model for similar causes, promote peace, the love of God, sharing, Faith, caring, Success, etc. Most of the companies thrive upon their success and having millions in profit. Now with trying to succeed with the Lubbe Foundation I found that most of the people I dealt with don't actually care about other than themself. I also contacted numurous governments and governmental organizations that is promoting hunger support and other beutifull words, denied helping me by even contributing a $1 or a blanket. Thousands of people display their wealth and earthly belongings and when it comes to helping in a real cause, they turn a blind eye.
The current need for the Lubbe Foundation to succeed is a huge amount of $1.25 mil however looking at it in the global sence it is nothing. Out of almost 50 000 requests for donations all over the world since I started the birth of the Lubbe Foundation I received anonomysly $15 and have the support of 5 people. Looking at the Gaza crises and flight MH17. Millions condem the violence and deaths of hunderds of children, however that is where it stays. It seems nobody are willing to get up and do something about it. This explain why the world is turning into turmoil.
We all pray for some sort of help, plenty say they belief in God and His love, Many truly belief in God, but there is a difference between believing and living God. I have God in my life and don't care about personal material things. His love is in me and therefore with the basic needs I am happy. I try to spread His word and love by living it and helping other for no money can pay for the gratitude someone shows when being helped. What also worries me is that religious groupes, churches and many more, ignore the plea and I would have expected that they would stand together and even though only contributing $10 per congregation and help with the networking would have made a difference or having one fundraising project and shared the income between the Lubbe Foundation and their own cause.
I know there is plenty of worthy causes that deserves probably more attention than the cause of the Lubbe Foundation. However the Lubbe Foundation would be the basis whereby people will be tought how to be independent from just receiving and become sustainable. May God work in peoples hearts and help in funding the Lubbe Foundation for time is running out in obtaining the so much needed land that has been offered to it. Looking at the above, no wonder the world is what it is for we did forget how to reach out to people.
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Anonomys Cash donations can be made to
Account name : Lubbe Foundation 32 days
Tipe of account : Bussiness 32 day extention account
Account number :74207254538
Branch code : 00758
Bank Name : First National Bank
Country : South africa
Bank international swift code : FIRNZAJJ
All other donations whether it is cash or as under needs on the website will be published and given credit to unless stated otherwise for I like to be transparent in all that I do.
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