(Part one)
The following comments and strategically action steps is my vision upon I would like to change South Africa and from my perspective also change the way of thinking of the South Africans. I realized once again with the past elections, that the people that voted, voted not based on an economic basis or reform basis but mostly voted on a black and white basis. This is truly the downfall of South Africa. In the provincial elections, especially in the Western Cape, many of the voters were migrants from the Eastern Cape that tried to escape the non service delivery and non production of the current ANC and previous ANC rule, but due to the mentality still stuck between black and white, they still vote ANC or some other minority party. We are sitting with a population that is un capable to look beyond today and to foresee for tomorrow. We are sitting with a majority people that are too lazy to work and then also are so use in receiving handouts that it became the norm of the day. This I truly would not blame them entirely for, for the country leaders help themselves and entertain this type of behavior so why should there be exception to the rule.
My strategic planning is to be a major opposition in the 2016 municipal elections and by being part of municipal rule and be transparent, all corruption and non-service delivery would be made public and party representatives would be the watchdogs for the public. This would actually hold the rulers of the country responsible and accountable for services promised and not complied on a regular basis and not only during elections. By having widespread members with the aim on saving South Africa, hopefully the nation would realize that the proposed party is not there about race or racism but also about having a mission and vision that South Africa could recover from an already melted down economy and increased poverty. It is time that we as nation stand up and say no to people playing politics and yes to action. To have a winning party, one do not have to win elections with millions of votes, one just need to have majority seats in parliament. Even if it means one seat and that would be the aim. Voter’s confidence should be based on production and not political views based on racism. Yes apartheid was wrong, I totally agree on it, but it is in the past and we should stop whining about it and moaning about it and use it as an excuse because we had 20 year to get over it. Rectifying the wrongs cannot be done through means of stealing and just receiving. IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL SOUTH AFRICANS TO STAND TOGETHER IN RE UNITING South Africa AND ITS PEOPLE.
This is just a short outline upon my approach and views to make South Africa one of the outstanding countries.
I would reduce the cabinet portfolios drastically and appoint the ministers to be expert in their fields of governance. They should have experience in their field that would ensure that service delivery could be governed in the right direction. For the past 20 years South Africa was one of the few countries that appointed people to be ministers in fields they have little or no knowledge at all. As many other instances one can clearly see that they are there for political reasons only and not for governance and that is why they cannot take lead as part of the executive.
With appointing people in fields they have nothing or no knowledge is a managerial disaster. As for the ministers, to execute strategies, one must clearly know how the industry works. One cannot appoint people in key positions if they do not have an idea upon how things work and therefore decisions could be of non-practical and disastrous consequences. Lets look for example the E Toll initiative. At the price it was build versus the nett income, I wonder if it would be profitable for the next 5 generations. (Well this remark might be overstated.) This will certainly have to be re-evaluated and be based on performance and productivity on a regular basis. Affirmative action means correctional action. Therefor it should not be based upon gender or race but how we can do damage control and rectify the damage done. Having the correct person that can do the job irrespectively of race or gender is the way to go. We all saw what happened the past 20 years by appointing people not with the sufficient capabilities and understanding in key positions.
There are so many laws in our country that just does not make sense, and then there is the by laws that does not get enforced by their makers. Well then there is some that cover up crime against property and people whereby the government entertain and enforce. Our country has one of the best constitutions in the world. But not only does it cover human rights but also create a window of opportunity for crime and crime generators. There are still a lot of amendments that needs to be done. Our constitution was written and accepted but this was done to rectify the wrongdoing of apartheid and did not cover everything more outstanding issues and therefore would need to be addressed.
I am a person for human rights and the laws and therefore would like to see that it protects the rights of our nation and all other in South Africa. One of the first things that we also must keep in mind that any person that do not adhere to our constitution wave the right of protection and wave the right of being seen as a South African Citizen. That is why we have Correctional Services to remove people disobeying the laws from society until such time deemed to be fit. They therefore for that period of time waive all their rights if found guilty. Most of the lawmakers in our country is people that are protected 24 hrs a day either by bodyguards or by state of the art security companies. I wonder if they would feel as safe in our beloved South Africa if they did not have it.
Corporal punishment (Death Sentence)
Our constitution clearly states that every person has the right to live. What if that right has been taken away deliberately in a manner un-humane knowing that he act against the constitutional rights of another person to be able to live. We are talking here of more than the accidental deaths, we are talking here of over kill and in ways of not only a gunshot or single stab wound. IF I WOULD BECOME PRESIDENT I would hold within 6 months a referendum to re instate the death sentence. One should not say it is inhuman for the killers did not take that in consideration. There are many worldwide countries exercising this way of punishment and no one seems to oppose it. Well I know that the only ones that would oppose it in a referendum would be the ones not yet effected or the ones that can afford to have 24-hrs security. I agree if there would be a positive decision by the nation, the criteria would be set high and all possible room for error would be eliminated before the execution of such punishment. There would also be looked at being merciful in spite of them not being merciful at the time of the murder to execute the sentence in the most human way available.
Correctional services.
When a person is being sentenced to imprisonment, he or she is sentenced for some act that had been an act against the law. Therefore he or she waived all their rights for the time sentenced. The correctional services act should be amended in such a way those correctional services in South Africa should become profitable by producing certain items for export and domestic use. The mere fact that South African taxpayers have to sustain and pay for people that have been removed from society for wrongdoing is un acceptable. People that do serve a sentence should pay for their stay and therefore would have to work in these jails for their meals. Lets face it that out of informal investigation, it was found that people does not care if they go to jail for the life in there is easier than outside and they get all for free. With the current migration of people, this would also be a suggestion that more facilities should be built in remote areas.
Some of the facilities can also produce products like furniture for government, bricks for housing projects and be self-sustainable by farming in a more intense way than currently. Clothing can also be produced. This is just some of the basic things that can be used to pay the debt to society, also help with skill development and also help with economic relief.
South African Defense Act
We are a powerful country with regards to our defense forces. As a peaceful nation towards other countries, we are sitting with the skills and manpower that is not active at present. Paying people for not doing anything accept practicing and ceremonial appearances are unacceptable. With an amendment to the act, one can truly not only create job opportunities, but also use the armed forces as support services for safety and security. By creating short term job opportunities would not only provide career opportunities but also provide the necessary support for the fight against crime in South Africa. This will also bring back the type of discipline that needs to be established in our youth of South Africa. The army can be utilized as support for the South African Police service in especially the fields of rural safety, urban safety and daily operations. With the amendment of the act, this can surely be of benefit to all of South Africa. Additional purposeful air patrols and better strategic deployment can make a difference in the current lawless behavior in South Africa and the fight against crime. Currently criminals already outnumber the South African Police service and with the shortage of staff, resources, skills and workload, effective crime fighting is difficult. With amendment of the act one can then also use the skilled medical corps in development areas as well as governmental institutions to supplement the shortage of staff at medical facilities across South Africa. I just wish that the executive management would be given the same treatment than the ordinary South African and then they would realize the dilemma that we are faced.
Drug and drug trafficking act
Looking at one of the main crime generators in South Africa, is the drug trade. With reference to successful legislation in other countries, one can just wonder why South Africa has not adopted some of these blueprints. Just looking at the Dutch point of view and model, one would not only have a drastic decrease in drug related violence, but also have a model in the success of healing a nation. There would not be any profit in the illegal trade and better regulation with regards to the drug trade can be practiced. By ignoring the fact that the South Africa nation becomes a sick substance dependent nation, would not improve things. How ever when the current government finally acknowledges the problem that cost taxpayers millions a year, it might be too late. But on the other hand, what do one expect from people that are blinded by their own comfort.
Child Justice act and related acts.
A Child up till the age of 12 cannot be held accountable for certain crimes. This is what the law states and then also do the department of justice promote restorative justice when a person is under the age of 18. This is unacceptable for this promotes the ill discipline in our youth. It is those children not kept accountable that would become the adults of the future and then we would have adults that have the mentality of one can break the law and therefore would just be reprimanded. This is a social issue that promote not only crime, but also a mentality of one have the right to do what one want and will still be without any consequences. This is also a reason why South Africa youth is being seen as a very low educational standard. Looking at the drug usage, crime stats etc, one can honestly say that crime committed by youths becomes more violent and more frequent. Who will take responsibility thereof? It is easy to blame other people for it but one should rather look at the lawmakers and the systems set in place. Once again the law makers that really thought this up is usually people that can afford private tuition and proper or the best for their children outside the scope of the field of average not even spoken about under privilege.
South African Schools act.
What has become of our schools? Looking at the ill discipline and the vandalism caused by the children, not even spoken about the abusive behavior towards educational personnel and fellow learners. This should have been addressed long time ago but once again it is the decision-makers that can afford their children, mostly spoiled to be in private schools with exceptional benefits. Currently with the safer schools projects, mostly the burden is placed on the already strained police to deal with the symptoms and not the cause.
If I had been president, I would immediately instruct the minister of education to investigate the amendment of the act and also the establishment of reform schools or military schools whereby the children would have limited rights. A School is a place to learn and develop the adults of tomorrow and therefore the school should also have the right whereby a child under the age of 16 commits an act in contradiction to the law should be banned from any normal school and by law be referred to a reformed school or military school. Never less if the child were above the age of 16 then he or she should be kicked out of school for they would forfeit their right to education. This criteria will be established through debate on what would be the infringement of rights to education of other learners be as well as teachers and then also damaging government property should be included. If the children then above the age of 16 come to their senses and want to obtain their qualifications, they should engage in ABET classes or other means of education. The ill discipline in our schools has been going on for too long and it is time that action steps should be taken. Where are the current politicians and executives that are supposed to stand up and address these issues?
Migration and illegal land invasion.
Migration is a symptom of a huge problem. Currently looking at the migration of people, it is normally people that migrate from center where government fails to be successful to area or provinces where there is a success in governing. Never less do we have laws in place that protects migration and illegal land invasion. Nobody have the right to occupy land that does not belong to them and then the owners will have to pay thousands to get their land back through lengthy court cases. Nobody told the people to migrate without making provision for employment and or a place to stay. Government for years is entertaining this because they know that even though the people move to find better circumstances they will still vote for them because of the propaganda and racism. South Africa does not have a place for racism anymore and by ignoring these migrations shift the problem and do not resolve it. I certainly would love to see this change by means that if land has been invaded through illegal means and not consent, the law must clearly act upon it and remove those people. However one must still keep in mind that people still should not be able to remove people from land just because of political views for example farms, etc. What is the complication for government nationally and then also provincially as well as local government? Here are just a few things that impact not only the economics of South Africa, but also the well being of the nation.
Local Government: Local government allowing this to happen has an increase in social health issues. Planned expenditure for development is being disrupted for people not paying taxes demand for services that was not foreseen and budgeted for. This is also mostly in areas not suitable for development. This influx of population places a huge burden upon resources not planned or foreseen. Increase in crime and decrease in property value.
Provincial Government: With this migration and without planning, one sits with an increased risk of disaster management. There is a constant demand of services to be delivered for example in the medical field, fire and safety. Without excluding the social demand that truly reflects a misinterpretation of ability to manage. With the increase of housing demand, in most cases the migrants move from places where they do have housing to areas where there is none. Any person with common sense would rethink a move like this. There is also an increase in protest actions leading mostly to unforeseen damages and expenditure.
National Government: This effectively presents an international view of the inability to keep their followers disciplined and to have progress in the country. Never less with the increase in crime rate and the protest actions against service delivery have a negative impact upon tourism. With reference to a murder trial, the husband visited South Africa with his wife and killed her. The reason to South Africa is that the crime rate is so high that it was easy to stage. Luckily one of the suspects was apprehended that implicated him. However this is a bad story turned out well, but how many other cases like this is there. Migration also leaves areas with potential without workforce ending up in the decrease of production of resources.
One should also look at International Migration. With a country already having limited resources, high unemployment figure, high Social demand, one should realize that with the influx of foreign nationals, the already huge unemployment rate increases and then also crime. This might result in an internal war amongst South Africans and foreign nationals. We have already seen it with the xenophobia whereby South Africans not prepared to work for “peanuts” attacking people that are too happy to reap the benefit of employment for whatever they can make. One cannot deprive people already in South Africa from their rights, but one can place stricken measures in place to limit future migrations.
I can continue with the issues of migration and land invasion for ages, but then it would defeat the purpose of this document. I say that from a certain date ban all land invasion and provide to people already in current situations.
National Roads Traffic Act
This is one act that clearly deserves attention. One of the major issues that I have with regards to this is the offence of driving under the influence of liquor. In my point of view, this is clearly an offence taken to lightly and striker measures should be taken by not only depriving the driver immediately of the right to drive, but also government should be able to forfeit assets to cover fines imposed upon drivers in situations far exceeding the average. This should also count with speeding. One thing I also cannot understand is the fact that authorities entertains groups of people opposing and disrupting actions whereby traffic officials execute law enforcement and see it as unlawful. It is clear that reckless and negligent driving whereby high speeds changed their lives in accidents has not impacted this group of people’s lives.
Accidents are one of the larger unforeseen expenditure to government and should be dealt with in more serious manner and keep negligent drivers responsible for cost. There are many other issues that need to be addressed; however this would be made available once it is of relevance.
Social Grants Act.
This act have many room for opportunities whereby the South African people misuses the benefits and where there are people taking illegal advantage. It is the obligation of government to see to the well being of their citizens, but not to teach them to be in a comfort zone. I will address some of the different grants in short and just highlight some critical issues that need to be addressed.
Old age grant and disability grant: This is one of the more crucial and important issues to be dealt with. I can truly say that I think government is doing too little for people of age. I know that there are millions of rands spent on this, but are it enough. One should look here at additional advantages that could be given to people receiving this grant for example, Oldage home infra structure, coupon benefits and additional care facilities. Special attention should be given to the establishment of real disability and temporary disability to ensure that people do not get disability grant while being able to work whether it is to what extend.
Children grant: Out of experience, I saw that people is misusing this grant for they are using children and the grant to reap benefit. I would suggest that there would be better control and monitoring set in place for applicants. This grant should be reviewed on a regular basis to see for what extent the money is being used. I would also suggest that any person would only by entitled to grant for 2 children for it is the responsibility of each and every adult to have family planning. If not, it would be their own responsibility. I also furthermore would suggest that the grant should be reviewed to the coupon system whereby one would make sure that the child would get what the grant is for and not to the sole benefit of the parent. Our social services have a lot to improve when it comes to social child care and one of the key factors is that one should also for the protection of children look at the Orphanage system. It is a disgrace to see how children are being neglected especially in the urban, rural and informal area. Our children are this country future and by not establishing a model, one can clearly say that one is neglecting the future of the country.
Unemployment grant: The only thing that I could say here is that one should make sure and put measures in place whereby proof can be given that there was true search for employment. I would also suggest that the department of labor interact like in many other countries whereby labor agencies help by means of databases to place unemployed personnel in employed environments. If there is a possibility of employment, the person should therefore be forced to take the position and also then forfeit the right to grant. Currently I am quite sure that there are millions of people receiving the grant for being just too lazy to either find a job or to climb from their pedestals and take what job they can get. This I blame government for not having in place a monitoring system that can minimize this possibility.
I think that with many of the cases Government over the years allowed to nation just to demand and receive for the people in charge has done certain actions to gain favor amongst people in stead of Governing the country in a responsible and educational manner.
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